
CMI 2013 North American B2C Content Marketing Standard, Budget and Trend report

Content Marketing Institute(CMI) and MarketingProfs announced one B2C Content Marketing Research report towards North America 2012. This report based on the 354th copies of valid reply, the research objects covered variety of industries, multi-scale enterprises and variety of position in America.

The penetration of high Content Marketing in the B2C business

86% B2C respondents use Content Marketing tools, compared to 91% of B2B companies penetration rate is slightly lower.
 Content Marketing is one of the main spending of B2C enterprises, which expected to grow further in the near future.

Content Marketing occupied 28% of the total expenses of B2C enterprise, a little big lower than B2B enterprise(33%).
The expenses of Content Marketing in Big B2C enterprises (1000+staff) occupied 28%, which is a bit higher than same grade B2B enterprise(22%).

55% of B2C respondents said they will add the expenses of Content Marketing in the near 12 monthes.
B2C companies mainly rely on outsourcing marketing content, it occupied 46% of total on average.

The B2C enterprise's Content Marketing strategy preference analysis.

In the number of marketing strategy, B2C business will use 12 kinds of Content Marketing strategies on average, big enterprise(1000+staff) use 16 kinds of marketing strategies, which more than small enterprise(10 kinds on average)

 In terms of the choice of marketing strategy, B2C companies compared to B2B enterprises more preferred Mobile content, the Mobile APP as well as printed newspapers and magazines, B2B enterprises use case studies, white papers, webcasts, research reports and other method, B2C companies are seldom adoption.
About the choice of social media sites, B2C companies most preferred Facebook (penetration rate of 90%), followed by Twitter (69%), YouTube(65%) and LinkedIn(51%). In contrast, B2B enterprises most prefer LinkedIn(83%).

To the number of website application, B2C companies use four social media sites and B2B companies use 5 on average.

 B2C companies think Content Marketing's effect lower than offline marketing.

 62% of B2C respondents think user experience is an effective marketing strategy, the support rate is on the top, much higher than other Content Marketing tools.
Compared to the B2B enterprises, B2C companies more prefer to do social media (57% B2C vs. 49% B2B), meanwhile, the newspapers and magazines.
 B2C companies' Content Marketing target: More concerned about customer retention and focus more on direct sales.

The Primary goal of the B2C enterprise content marketing is to improve user retention/loyalty(B2B enterprises as the fourth), the following is fighting for the user and branding.
 Same with B2B companies, B2C companies traffic as the most important indicator to measure content marketing, but the difference is that B2C companies are more concerned about the direct sales, B2B companies focus on the quantity and quality of sales guide.
 The biggest problem of B2C companies' Content Marketing is budget not enough.
 52% of B2C respondents said they met the problem of budget not enough, besides 23% respondents believe the budget is the most serious problem which effect Content Marketing.
Edit by Avril Liu
Skype: vivianalsh

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